Friday, June 24, 2005

Let's Rodeo!

And now for something completely different. Up in Helena, they're having a great time at the Montana High School Rodeo Finals:
With over 250 different riders, ropers and bull doggers taking part there will be six stock contractors on hand to keep fresh horses, steers, bulls, and calves ready for the competitors. Big Circle and Red Eye Rodeo Companies will provide the bucking horses, Pistol Creek Rodeo Company brings the bulls, End of the Trail is in charge of all the timed event cattle, Peggy Smith has the goats, and Ranch provides the cutting cows.
Not to be outdone, the folks over in Pocatello, Idaho, are hosting their state's high school rodeo finals as well:
If you've spent any time out and about in Pocatello recently, you've seen the numbers plastered on the backs of kids wherever you go.

They're all over town: hotels, restaurants, the mall. You can't miss them.

Some of the numbers are laminated. Some are decorated. Some are draped to the side, attached to a belt.

Spot a cowboy competing in the 2005 Idaho State High School Rodeo Finals without one of these numbers and they're out.

In order to compete in the high school finals you've got to adhere to its rules. They're easy to follow, but they're strict. If you're in the arena without Western attire - long-sleeved shirt, hat and boots - don't bother coming back. If you mistreat your horse or any of the stock, start heading home and, again, don't forget that number.

"This is originally a cowboy sport, so I think it's just so you keep the tradition going," said Rigby bareback rider Tyson Smith, 18.

The kids are required to wear the numbers around town, "so people will know they're competing," said Paige Hyde, the secretary for the Idaho State High School Rodeo Association.
Bronco busting, bull-riding, barrel racing, calf-roping. Who would've thought that in these lawsuit-infested times that kids could still be allowed to have this much fun?

To learn the fascinating story of competitor Austin Martiny (pictured) click here.
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